Year of the Nurse FAQs

Why is ANA celebrating the Year of the Nurse in 2021?

The ANA Enterprise joins with the World Health Organization (WHO) and global colleagues in extending the Year of the Nurse and Midwife into 2021 because of the impact of the pandemic.

The recognition will build on the increased visibility of nurses’ contributions from 2020 and ANA’s expansion of National Nurses Week to Nurses Month in the month of May.

Why was 2020 designated as the Year of the Nurse?

The World Health Assembly, the governing body of the WHO, designated 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife to advance nurses’ vital position in transforming health care around the world. It also is in honor of the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.

This declaration is an extension of work initiated by the Nursing Now campaign to elevate the profession and ensure nurses are leading efforts to improve health and health care. ANA Enterprise is leading Nursing Now USA along with the Chief Nurse, U.S. Public Health Service; the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; and the University of Washington, School of Nursing.

Is Year of the Nurse an initiative launched by ANA?

No. The World Health Assembly, the governing body of WHO, designated 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. This global call to action clearly resonates with a need for action at the country level. As the largest group of health care professionals in the U.S. and members of the most trusted profession, nurses practice in all health care settings and assume new roles to meet the ever-growing demand for health care services.

In September 2020, WHO announced it will extend the Year of the Nurse and Midwife into 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. ANA is following WHO’s lead by declaring a U.S. extension of the Year of the Nurse into 2021.

If this is a World Health Organization initiative, what is ANA’s role?

This global call to action clearly resonates with a need for action at the country level. The Year of the Nurse offers a platform to recognize all nurses, as they excel, lead, and innovate wherever they practice. This focus will raise the visibility of the nursing profession in policy dialogue and lead to greater investment in the development and increased capacity of the nursing workforce.

Why is ANA calling 2020-2021 the Year of the Nurse, not the Year of the Nurse and Midwife as designated by WHO?

In the U.S., nurses engage in a wide range of roles and specialties, which is why ANA Enterprise chose to promote 2020 and 2021 as the “Year of the Nurse.” Our goal is to encourage inclusivity and wide engagement of all nurses, including nurse midwives, in this landmark year of activities.

What does ANA Enterprise hope will be the impact of the Year of the Nurse on the nursing profession and nurses in the U.S.?

The Year of the Nurse offers a platform to recognize all nurses as they excel, lead, and innovate wherever they practice. ANA Enterprise hopes this focus on nursing will raise the visibility of the nursing profession in policy dialogue and spur expanded investment in education, practice, and research, as well as increase the number of nurses who serve in leadership positions.

What are ANA’s goals for this extended Year of the Nurse?

The American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Nurses Foundation (The Foundation) – the family of organizations comprising the ANA Enterprise – will celebrate the extended Year of the Nurse by engaging with nurses, thought leaders, and consumers in a variety of ways that promote nursing excellence, infuse leadership, and foster innovation.

How will ANA Enterprise engage in the Year of the Nurse?

Throughout the year, ANA Enterprise will engage with nurses, thought leaders, and consumers in a variety of ways that promote nursing excellence, infuse leadership, and foster innovation. We also look forward to working with partner organizations to communicate a contemporary and accurate view of nurses and the critical work they do, as well as challenge boards and other influencers to commit to nursing and nursing leaders in order to improve the nation’s health.


Why did ANA launch a Nurses Month instead of Nurses Week in 2020?

Despite the major role nurses play in health care delivery and community outreach, there is still a need to increase understanding of the value of nursing. In 2020, ANA Enterprise extended National Nurses Week to a month-long celebration to expand opportunities to elevate and celebrate nursing.

The theme for 2021 is Nurses Month: You Make a Difference. Each week will have a different focus:

  • Self-care Week – May 1 – 9
  • Recognition Week – May 10 – 16
  • Professional Development Week – May 17 – 23
  • Community Engagement Week – May 24 – 31

Will Nurses Month replace Nurses Week?

While the effort to give nurses a day or week in their honor started in the early 1950s, there was not an officially recognized National Nurses Week until 1993, when the American Nurses Association declared May 6th to May 12th as the permanent week. Nearly 30 years later, at 4.2 million strong, nurses are the largest of the health care professions and according to an annual Gallup poll, the profession most trusted by the American public. Nurses practice in all health care settings and are filling new roles to meet the ever-growing demand for health care services. We see the evolution from Nurses Week to Nurses Month as a meaningful way to expand recognition of nurses’ vital position in transforming health care.


What activities is ANA Enterprise planning for the Year of the Nurse?

ANA will continue to advocate for nurses and patients’ needs as we confront the COVID-19 pandemic and move into the largest mass vaccination campaign ever. As we navigate this dynamic time, we will look for ways to engage nurses and the public in recognizing, celebrating, and honoring the remarkable contributions of nurses.


Is there a specially designed logo for the Year of the Nurse?

Yes. ANA Enterprise developed a logo to use for its Year of the Nurse activities. The logo is available for download.

How can I use the Year of the Nurse logo?

The updated 2020-2021 Year of the Nurse logo is available to download, allowing organizations to use this Year of the Nurse logo in their celebrations and activities only. If an organization wishes to co-brand the official ANA Enterprise 2020-2021 Year of the Nurse logo with its organization’s logo, we will provide a digital template, brand guidelines as well as instructions on the web page. Organizations and individuals must not alter the logo in any way or use it to produce T-shirts, mugs, key chains, pins, or other gift and promotional items.


What is the Nightingale Challenge?

Launched in June 2019 by Nursing Now, the Nightingale Challenge is a global initiative that aims to galvanize nurses into leadership and development opportunities both in and outside of health care. It asks every employer of nurses and midwives to provide leadership and development training to 20 nurses and midwives who are 35 or younger during Year of the Nurse and Midwife in 2020. More than 30,000 nurses and some 800 employers in 79 countries accepted the Nightingale Challenge.